By: Team CS2103-AY1920S2-W14-1      Since: Jan 2020      Licence: MIT

1. Welcome to CodeCampX

Code Camp X (CCX) is for those who prefer to use a desktop app to manage the administrative tasks of running a coding camp. More importantly, CCX is optimized for those who prefer to work with a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). If you can type fast, CCX can allow you to manage your camp’s administrative tasks faster than traditional GUI apps. Interested? Jump to the Section 2, “Quick Start” to get started. Enjoy!

1.1. Legend

The following 3 callouts will be used throughout the documentation which you may wish to pay attention to as it may contain important details:

Just for your info, do not be alarmed. Be sure to read these notes as it might contain some important information.
Perhaps something can be done using another approach, but it is up to you to decide. Tips are often not important and can be safely ignored.
Some things might go wrong if you are not careful, or did not follow the instructions correctly. You are strongly advised to read whatever is in this block.

1.2. A Quick Look at CodeCampX

CodeCampX’s user interface is split into a few sections. These sections are highlighted in the image below.

Figure 1. Quick Overview of CodeCampX.

Let’s get started!

2. Quick Start

Follow this installation guide to get CodeCampX up and running on your computer.

  1. Ensure you have Java version 9 or later installed in your Computer.

  • If you are unsure which Java version is installed, you may refer to this link.

  • You may install the current version of Java here.

  1. Download the latest version here.

  2. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder.

  3. Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI should appear in a few seconds.

  4. Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it.
    e.g. typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window.

  5. Some example commands you can try:

    • help : Opens up the help page

    • exit : Exits the application

  6. Refer to Section 5, “Commands” for details of each command.

3. Components

CodeCampX consists of five core components: Students, Staffs, Courses, Finances, Assignments

3.1. Students

You can manage the students by assigning them to courses, and ensuring that they have paid for their courses.

3.2. Staffs

You can manage the staffs by providing information such as the phone number and email address. This is critical as staffs are the main point of contact during an emergency. You can keep track of which teacher staffs you have paid for teaching a course by checking via Finances.

3.3. Courses

You can keep track of the ongoing courses in your Coding Camp. Each course will have an assigned teacher, as well as a list of assigned students. The course fee should also be specified.

3.4. Finances

The built-in Sales Management component in CodeCampX provides you with the tools you will need to keep track of financial records efficiently. Several analytical features are also incorporated to assist you in financial decision-making and devising marketing strategies.

3.5. Assignments

You can keep track of the available assignments of the various students or courses through this functionality. Additionally, the progress of the assignments can be viewed for the course of the student (In Student Tab) or the student of a course (In Course Tab).

4. Key Features

4.1. Convenience

CodeCampX is an integrated application that will provide you with the utmost convenience and tools you will need to manage your Coding Camps. It allows you to:

  • Export data to .json (default) or Excel file [coming in v2.0].

4.2. Security

We understand that digital security is your biggest concern. CodeCampX is capable of securing your restaurants' data by:

  • Encrypting all data using state of the art encryption scheme [coming in v2.0].

  • Providing accountability through logging of system events.

4.3. Efficiency

Time is money. CodeCampX ensures that the application will:

  • Load within 5 seconds.

  • Execute commands within split of a second and update the GUI almost instantaneously.

5. Commands

CodeCampX is jam-packed with features and it may be daunting for new users. The subsequent sections of the user guide provides a step by step walk-through of all the commands CodeCampX has to offer.

Do read our short explanation about Command Format below so that the subsequent portions of this section will make sense to you.

Command Format

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user e.g. in add-student n/STUDENT_NAME, STUDENT_NAME is a parameter which can be used as add-student n/Bob.

  • Items in square brackets are optional e.g n/STUDENT_NAME [t/TAG] can be used as n/Bob t/loyal or as n/Bob.

  • Items with ​ after them can be used multiple times including zero times e.g. [t/TAG]…​ can be used as   (i.e. 0 times), t/loyal, t/10years t/new etc.

  • Parameters can be in any order e.g. if the command specifies cid/COURSE_ID tid/TEACHER_ID, tid/TEACHER_ID cid/COURSE_ID is also acceptable.

5.1. General

The commands in this section does not tie to any of the 5 components.

5.1.1. Viewing help : help

Opens up the help window. Very useful if you are a new user.
Format: help

5.1.2. Exiting the program : exit

Exits the program.
Format: exit

5.1.3. Undo Command: undo

Set the app state back to the most recent undoableCommand.

See the full list of undoable commands: all edit/add/delete/assign/unassign/done/undone commands.


  • find-student hieu

This will fail because find-student is not an undoableCommand.

  • delete-student 35853

Undo the delete command of student and add the student back at the previous relative ordering too.


undo 1

After delete-student 35853

undo 2

After undo:

undo 3

5.1.4. Redo Command: redo

Reverses the most recent undo command, but will fail if the most recent command was not the undo command or redo command


  • delete-student 35853

Successfully delete the student, then add the student back with undo, then delete student again with redo

  • find-student hieu

redo fails because no undo command previously

  • delete-student 35853
    find-student hieu

This redo also fails because the most recent command is not undo or redo

Format: undo or redo

5.2. Assigning/Unassigning -TYPE- to a Course : assign or unassign respectively

5.2.1. Assign a Student to a Course : assign or unassign respectively

Adds the Student ID to the Course ID specified.
Format: assign cid/COURSEID sid/STUDENTID
Example: assign cid/829 sid/33

Removes the Student ID from the Course ID specified.
Format: unassign cid/COURSEID sid/STUDENTID
Example: unassign cid/829 sid/33

When a student is assigned to a course, a progress will be created for the student for every assignment of the course. This progress tracks whether the student has completed the specific assignment (Done) or not (Not Done)

In Student Tab, Under Selected Student and Assigned Courses Panel, after assigning student to course, it can be seen that the progresses have been added for every assignment in the course. The Student’s progresses can be tracked by specific assignment status Done/ Not done. Total done progresses can be viewed under "Number of progress done" field.

Figure 2. Selected Student and Assigned Courses Panel. Shows ID and details of assigned Courses and Assignments.

Student’s details and Assigned Assignments for this courses can also be viewed under Course Tab.

Figure 3. Selected Course and Assigned Students Panel. Shows ID and details of assigned Students and their Assignments.

5.2.2. assign/unassign Teacher to/from a Course

Adds the Teacher ID to the Course ID specified.
Format: assign cid/COURSEID tid/TEACHERID
Example: assign cid/829 tid/21

When a teacher is assigned to a course, the teacher’s ID is added to course and course’s ID is added to teacher. In Selected Staff Tab, it can be seen that a course ID is added under "Assigned Courses" and the course can be viewed in Assigned Courses Tab.

Figure 4. Selected Staff and Assigned Courses Panel. Shows ID and details of assigned Courses.

In Selected Course Tab, it can be seen that a staff ID is added under "Assigned Staff".

Figure 5. Selected Staff and Assigned Courses Panel. Shows ID and details of assigned Courses.

Removes the Teacher ID from the Course ID specified.
Format: unassign cid/COURSEID tid/TEACHERID
Example: unassign cid/829 tid/21

When a teacher is unassigned to a course, the teacher’s ID is removed from course and course’s ID is removed from teacher. In Selected Staff Tab, after unassign Command, the course’s ID and details no longer appears.

5.2.3. Add An Assignment to a Course : assign or unassign respectively

Adds the Assignment ID to the Course ID specified.
Format: assign cid/COURSEID aid/ASSIGNMENTID
Example: assign cid/829 aid/21

Removes the Assignment ID from the Course ID specified.
Format: unassign cid/COURSEID aid/ASSIGNMENTID
Example: unassign cid/829 aid/21

When an assignment is assigned to a course, a progress will be created for every student currently assigned to the course. This progress tracks whether the student has completed the specific assignment (Done) or not (Not Done)

5.3. Mark a Student’s Assignment as Done/Undone

Mark a student’s assignment as Done.
Example: done aid/829 sid/21

Mark a student’s assignment as Undone.
Format: undone aid/ASSIGNMENTID sid/STUDENTID
Example: undone aid/829 sid/21


Ivan Done1

Notice that George has initially not completed Assignment 44736.

After done aid/44736 sid/63865:

Ivan Done2

Now observe 3 updates:

  1. Success message as displayed in message box

  2. The status of the Assignment has been marked as done

  3. The Number of Done Progress has been incremented by 1

5.4. Select a Student/Staff/Course : select or simply click the bar

Selecting means to view the specified item in detail. As mentioned in the previous section, a course may be assigned student/s, a teacher staff, or assignment/s. When you select a course for example, you can view the list of students assigned in the list on the right.

If the specified ID does not exist, the selected panel will become empty.

5.4.1. Select a Student

Views details of a student and list of courses of a student
Format: select sid/STUDENTID
Example: select sid/11 or click the desired Student bar

5.4.2. Select Assignment belonging to the Course of a Student

Views list of Assignment belong to Course of a Student
Format: select sid/STUDENTID cid/COURSEID
Example: select sid/11 cid/1 or click the desired Course bar under the Student

5.4.3. Select a Staff

Views the details of a staff and list of courses of a staff
Format: select tid/STAFFID
Example: select tid/31 or click the desired Staff bar

5.4.4. Select a Course

Views the details of a course and list of students of a course
Format: select cid/COURSEID
Example: select cid/1 or click the desired Course bar

5.4.5. Select Assignment belonging to the Student of a Course:

Views list of Assignment belong to Student of a Course
Format: select cid/COURSEID sid/STUDENTID
Example: select cid/1 sid/11 or click the desired Student bar under the Course

5.4.6. Select a Finance

Views the details of a finance
Format: select fid/FINANCEID
Example: select fid/801 or click the desired Finance bar

5.4.7. Select an Assignment

Views the details of an assignment
Format: select aid/ASSIGNMENTID
Example: select aid/901 or click the desired Assignment bar

5.5. Switch between tabs : [CTRL] + [UP ARROW], [CTRL] + [DOWN ARROW] m, s, t, c, f, a

  • The tab orders are: Summary, Staff, Course, Finance, Assignment

  • Switch quickly to previous Tab (with wrap around) : Click command box + [CTRL] + [UP ARROW]

  • Switch quickly to next Tab (with wrap around): Click command box + [CTRL] + [DOWN ARROW]

  • Switch quickly to Summary Tab : m or summary

  • Switch quickly to Student Tab : s or student

  • Switch quickly to Staff Tab : t or staff

  • Switch quickly to Course Tab : c or course

  • Switch quickly to Finance Tab : f or finance

  • Switch quickly to Assignment Tab : a or assignment

  • Just like a typical CLI application, you can use up and down arrow keys to navigate through your command history

  • Click the command box and press [UP ARROW] or [DOWN ARROW]

  • Only complete and successfully executed commands will be added to this history

  • There will not be two identical commands beside each other

5.6. Saving the data

Coding Camp book data are saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data. No manual saving is required.

5.7. Clearing all the data

Coding Camp book data can be cleared by clear-all command. This action will CLEAR all the entire address book and this action can not undone.

This will irrevocably clear the entire address book and you cannot undo it! Be very careful with this command.

5.8. Student

Figure 6. List of Students. Shows details and list of courses of selected student. The list of Assignments is also shown for the selected course

5.8.1. Add a student: add-student

Add a new student to the list of student
Format: add student n/NAME g/GENDER [t/TAG]…
Example: * add student n/Jon Snow g/m t/Hardworking

The Gender of the Student is shown in the form of a little icon on the left. This automatically updates when you edit-student 12 g/f or edit-student 12 g/m as well. Try it!

5.8.2. Remove a student: delete-student

Remove a student from the list of students
Format: delete-student ID

  • delete-student 16100

  • Deletes the item at the specified ID. The ID refers to the ID number shown in the displayed item panel list

  • The ID must be a positive integer 16100, 25200, 55250, …​

Be reminded that when you delete a student, the student will be deleted from every course as well
For example, a course that was only assigned to this student Bob will change to None if student Bob is deleted.

5.8.3. Locating items by name: find-student

Finds student whose names contain any of the given keywords.
Format: find-student KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]…​

  • The search is case insensitive. e.g bob will match Bob

  • The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. Ned Stark will match Stark Ned

  • Only the name is searched

  • Only full words will be matched e.g. Sta will not match Stark

  • Items matching at least one keyword will be returned (i.e. OR search). e.g. Ned Stark will return Ned Stark, Bran Stark and Ned Targaryen


  • find-student Ned
    Returns ned and Ned Stark

  • find-student Lannister Targaryen Stark
    Returns any student having names Lannister, Targaryen, or Stark

5.8.4. List all students: list-student

Shows a list of all students Format: list-student

5.8.5. Edit information about a student: edit-student

Edits an existing student in the student list Format: edit-student ID [n/NAME] [g/GENDER] [t/TAG]…

  • edit-student 16100 n/Aegon Targaryen t/freshman

  • Edits the student at the specified ID. The ID refers to the ID number shown in the displayed student panel list

  • The ID must be a positive integer 16100, 25200, 52500, …​

  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided

  • Existing values will be updated to the input values

  • When editing tags, the existing tags of the item will be removed i.e adding of tags is not cumulative

  • You can remove all the student’s tags by typing t/ without specifying any tags after it

5.9. Staff

Figure 7. List of Staffs. Shows details and list of courses of selected staff

5.9.1. Add a staff: add-staff

Add a new staff to the list of staff
Format: add-staff n/NAME lvl/LEVEL g/GENDER p/PHONE e/EMAIL s/SALARY a/ADDRESS [t/TAG]…​

Example: * add-staff n/Bob Ross lvl/teacher g/m p/98765432 e/ s/1000 a/311, Clementi Ave 2, #02-25 t/LovesArt t/Friendly

The lvl of the staff refers to the Staff Type. It can only be specified as teacher or admin. Only a teacher can be assigned to a course. An admin cannot be assigned to a course.
A teacher is paid by the courses that he/she teaches. (finance type ft/ct) An admin is paid by miscellaneous transactions. (finance type ft/m)

The Gender of the Staff is shown in the form of a little icon on the left. This automatically updates when you edit-staff 31 g/f or edit-staff 31 g/m as well. Try it!

5.9.2. Remove a staff: delete-staff

Remove a staff from the list of staffs
Format: delete-staff ID

  • delete-staff 16100

  • Deletes the item at the specified ID. The ID refers to the ID number shown in the displayed item panel

  • The ID must be a positive integer 16100, 25200, 52500, …​

Be reminded that when you delete a staff that is of staff type: Teacher, the teacher will be deleted from every course as well.
For example, a course that was assigned teacher Bob will change to None if teacher Bob is deleted.

5.9.3. Locating items by name: find-staff

Finds staff whose names contain any of the given keywords.
Format: find-staff KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]…​

  • The search is case insensitive. e.g bob will match Bob

  • The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. Ned Stark will match Stark Ned

  • Only the name is searched

  • Only full words will be matched e.g. Sta will not match Stark

  • Items matching at least one keyword will be returned (i.e. OR search). e.g. Ned Stark will return Ned Stark, Bran Stark and Ned Targaryen


  • find-staff Ned
    Returns ned and Ned Stark

  • find-staff Lannister Targaryen Stark
    Returns any staffs having names Lannister, Targaryen, or Stark

5.9.4. List all staffs: list-staff

Shows a list of all staffs Format: list-staff

5.9.5. Edit information about a staff: edit-staff

Edits an existing staff in the staff list Format: edit-staff ID [n/NAME] [g/GENDER] [p/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [s/SALARY] [a/ADDRESS] [t/TAG]…​

  • edit-staff 16100 n/Aegon Targaryen t/legend

  • Edits the staff at the specified ID. The ID refers to the ID number shown in the displayed staff panel

  • The ID must be a positive integer 16100, 25200, 52500, …​

  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided

  • Existing values will be updated to the input values

  • When editing tags, the existing tags of the item will be removed i.e adding of tags is not cumulative

  • You can remove all the staff’s tags by typing t/ without specifying any tags after it

You only can edit Name, Gender, Phone, Email, Salary, Address and Tags of a Staff.

If you edit a salary of a Teacher Staff, all the Finance associated with him still remain the same. This is because a Finance is added based on the salary of a Teacher at that moment and it records the transaction made. If a Teacher Staff’s salary is edited (for example: increased), it means this Teacher’s salary base is increased and it has nothing to do with the Finances that has been made.

5.10. Course

Figure 8. List of Courses. Shows details and list of students of selected Course. The list of Assignments is also shown for the selected Student

5.10.1. Add a course: add-course

Add a new course to the list of course
Format: add course n/NAME a/AMOUNT [t/TAG]…
Example: add course n/Cozmo Programming a/2000 t/Fun t/Robot

5.10.2. Remove a course: delete-course

Remove a course from the list of courses
Format: delete-course ID

  • delete-course 16100

Be reminded that when you delete a course, the course will be deleted from every student and teacher as well.
For example, a teacher that was only assigned to this course Java will change to None if course Java is deleted.

5.10.3. Edit information about a course: edit-course

Edits an existing course in the course list Format: edit-course ID [n/NAME] [a/AMOUNT] [t/TAG]…​

  • edit-course 1 n/Java 101 a/1000 t/intermediate

  • Edits the course at the specified ID. The ID refers to the ID number shown in the displayed course panel

  • The ID must be a positive integer 16100, 25200, 52500, …​

  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided

  • Existing values will be updated to the input values

  • When editing tags, the existing tags of the item will be removed i.e adding of tags is not cumulative

  • You can remove all the course’s tags by typing t/ without specifying any tags after it

5.10.4. Locating items by name: find-course

Finds course whose names contain any of the given keywords.
Format: find-course KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]…​

  • The search is case insensitive. e.g Cozmo will match cozmo

  • The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. Cozmo Programming will match Programming Cozmo

  • Only the name is searched

  • Only full words will be matched e.g. Coz will not match Cozmo

  • Items matching at least one keyword will be returned (i.e. OR search). e.g. Cozmo Programming will return Cozmo Programming, Cozmo Introduction and Java Programming


  • find-course Cozmo
    Returns cozmo and Cozmo Programming

  • find-course Java Python C
    Returns any course having names Java, Python, or C

5.10.5. List all courses: list-course

Shows a list of all courses Format: list-course

5.10.6. Edit information about a course: edit-course

Edits an existing course in the course list Format: edit-course ID [n/NAME] [a/AMOUNT] [t/TAG]…

  • edit-course 16100 n/Java Programming a/2000

  • Edits the course at the specified ID. The ID refers to the ID number shown in the displayed course panel

  • The ID must be a positive integer 16100, 25200, 55250, …​

  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided

  • Existing values will be updated to the input values

  • When editing tags, the existing tags of the item will be removed i.e adding of tags is not cumulative

  • You can remove all the course’s tags by typing t/ without specifying any tags after it

5.11. Finance

Figure 9. List of Finances. Shows details of selected Finance. Type m is Finance Type 1, Type cs is Finance Type 2, and Type ct is Finance Type 3

5.11.1. Add a finance: add-finance

Add a new finance to the list of finance

  • Type 1: Adding miscellaneous transactions(Specify ft/ as m)

    • Parameters: ft/FINANCETYPE d/DATE n/NAME a/AMOUNT [t/TAG]…​

    • Example: add-finance ft/m d/2020-12-09 n/Paid NTU a/1200 t/Partnership t/Monthly

  • Type 2: A student paying for a course(Specify ft/ as cs)

    • Parameters: ft/FINANCETYPE d/DATE cid/COURSEID sid/STUDENTID [t/TAG]…​

    • Example: add-finance ft/cs d/2020-12-09 cid/829 sid/33 t/Late

  • Type 3: A teacher is paid for teaching a course(Specify ft/ as ct)

    • Parameters: ft/FINANCETYPE d/DATE cid/COURSEID tid/TEACHERID [t/TAG]…​

    • Example: add-finance ft/ct d/2020-12-09 cid/829 tid/21 t/Early

To summarise, all three types requires ft/FINANCETYPE and d/DATE to be specified.
Type 1 additionally requires n/FINANCE-NAME a/AMOUNT
Type 2 additionally requires cid/COURSEID sid/STUDENTID
Type 3 additionally requires cid/COURSEID tid/TEACHERID

For Type 1 miscellaneous transactions, you can specify the amount as negative(with a "-" in front) or positive(without a "-" in front) For example, a/100 or a/-100

For Type 2 student paying for a course, the amount will be positive automatically, as it is an earning

For Type 3 teacher being paid for teaching a course, the amount will be negative automatically, as it is an expense

To make Payment for a teacher, it is important to check the salary value of the teacher. This value is set to 0 by default when adding a new staff (teacher) if the user does not specify salary. A result of payment with amount 0 will be added if the salary of the teacher is 0.

The positive and negative amount is important (for miscellaneous type) as it is used under "earnings" and "expenses" commands.

5.11.2. Remove a finance: delete-finance

Remove a finance from the list of finances
Format: delete-finance ID

  • delete-finance 16100

  • Deletes the item at the specified ID. The ID refers to the ID number shown in the displayed item panel. Each finance has a unique ID number

  • The ID must be a positive integer 16100, 25270, …​

5.11.3. Edit a finance

Edits an existing finance in the finance list Format: edit-finance ID [n/NAME] [d/DATE] [a/AMOUNT] [t/TAG]…

  • edit-finance 16100 n/Buying new tables d/2020-04-13 a/3000

  • Edits the finance with the specified ID. The ID refers to the ID number shown in the displayed payment panel

  • The ID must be a positive integer 16100, 25200, 55250, …​

  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided

  • Existing values will be updated to the input values

  • When editing tags, the existing tags of the item will be removed i.e adding of tags is not cumulative

  • You can remove all the payment’s tags by typing t/ without specifying any tags after it

5.11.4. Locating items by name: find-finance

Finds finance whose names contain any of the given keywords.
Format: find-finance KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]…​

  • The search is case insensitive. e.g payment will match Payment

  • The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. Payment Received will match Received Payment

  • Only the name is searched

  • Only full words will be matched e.g. Pay will not match Payment

  • Items matching at least one keyword will be returned (i.e. OR search). e.g. Received Payment will return Received Payment, Added Payment and Received Income


  • find-finance Payment
    Returns payment and Received Payment

  • find-finance Course Student Teacher
    Returns any finance having names Course, Student, or Teacher

5.11.5. List all finances: list-finance

Shows a list of all finances Format: list-finance

5.11.6. Get total earnings: earnings

Shows all the earnings (finances with positive amount) as a number.
Format: earnings

5.11.7. Get total expenses: expenses

Shows all the expenses (finances with positive amount) as a number.
Format: expenses

5.12. Assignment

Figure 10. List of Assignments. Shows details of selected Assignment.

5.12.1. Add an assignment: add-assignment

Add a new assignment to the list of all assignments
Format: n/NAME dl/DEADLINE [t/TAG]…​
Example: * add-assignment n/Adversarial Search Assignment 2 dl/2020-12-30 t/AI t/Difficult

DEADLINE must be in YYYY - MM - DD or YYY - MM - DD format else an error will be thrown.

5.12.2. Delete an assignment: delete-assignment

Format: delete-assignment ID

  • delete-assignment 16100

  • Deletes the item at the specified ID. The ID refers to the ID number shown in the displayed item list

  • The ID must be a positive integer 16100, 25200, 52500, …​

Be reminded that when you delete an assignment, the assignment will be deleted from every course as well.
Furthermore, the progress of the assignment will also be removed from every course of any student
and every student of any course.
For example, a student that was only assigned to a course that contains only this assignment will have no assignment left after this assignment is deleted.

5.12.3. Edit an assignment: edit-assignment

Format: edit-assignment ID [n/NAME] dl/DEADLINE t/TAGS]

  • edit-assignment 16100 n/Edit Python Assignment 1

  • Edits the assignment at the specified ID. The ID refers to the ID number shown in the displayed course list panel

  • The ID must be a positive integer 16100, 2520, 52500, …​

  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided

  • Existing values will be updated to the input values

  • When editing tags, the existing tags of the item will be removed i.e adding of tags is not cumulative

  • You can remove all the assignment’s tags by typing t/ without specifying any tags after it

5.12.4. Locating items by name: find-assignment

Finds assignments whose names contain any of the given keywords.
Format: find-assignment KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]…​

  • The search is case insensitive. e.g java will match Java

  • The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. Java Assignment will match Assignment Java

  • Only the name is searched

  • Only full words will be matched e.g. Java will not match Javascript

  • Items matching at least one keyword will be returned (i.e. OR search). e.g. Java Assignment will return Java Course, Java Code and Python Assignment


  • find-assignment java
    Returns java and Java Assignment

5.13. Upcoming Features

5.13.1. Add registration [coming in v2.0]

Add a register command by including role (i.e. privilege system).

Format: register id/USERNAME pw/PASSWORD n/FULL_NAME r/ROLE_ID


  • register id/azhikai pw/1122qq n/Ang Zhi Kai r/999

5.13.2. Creating user role [coming in v2.0]

Creates a user role. User assigned with higher ranking role can execute more commands.

Format: create-role r/RANK n/ROLE_NAME


  • create-role r/999 n/Owner

  • create-role r/2 n/Supervisor

  • create-role r/1 n/Employee

5.13.3. Editing user role [coming in v2.0]

Edits an existing user role.
Format: edit-role r/RANK [nr/NEW_RANK] [n/ROLE_NAME]


  • edit-role r/999 n/Administrator

  • edit-role r/2 nr/3 n/Manager

5.13.4. Deleting user role [coming in v2.0]

Deletes an existing user role.
Format: delete-role r/RANK


  • delete-role r/999

6. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: Install the application in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous CodeCampX folder.

Q: Where do I find the latest release of the application?
A: You can find all releases here.

7. Command Summary

Table 1. Summary of command formats
Section Command Format Example






Undo an undoable command



Redo a redoable command



Select item

Select a Student

select sid/STUDENTID

select sid/1

Select a Staff

select tid/STAFFID

select tid/31

Select a Course

select cid/COURSEID

select cid/1

Select Assignment belonging to the Course of a Student:


select sid/11 cid/1

Select Assignment belonging to the Student of a Course:


select cid/1 sid/11

Switch tab

Switch to Summary Tab

m or summary

m or summary

Switch to Student Tab

s or student

s or student

Switch to Staff Tab

t or staff

t or staff

Switch to Course Tab

c or course

c or course

Switch to Finance Tab

f or finance

f or finance

Switch to Assignment Tab

a or assignment

a or assignment

Assigning to Course

Assign Student to a Course


assign cid/829 sid/33

Assign Teacher to a Course


assign cid/829 tid/21

Assign Assignment to a Course


assign cid/829 aid/21

Unassign Student from a Course

unassign cid/COURSEID sid/STUDENTID

unassign cid/829 sid/33

Unassign Teacher from a Course

unassign cid/COURSEID tid/TEACHERID

unassign cid/829 tid/21

Unassign Assignment from a Course


unassign cid/829 aid/21

Done/Undone Commands

Mark an Assignment as Done


done sid/33 aid/21

Mark an Assignment as Undone


undone sid/33 aid/21

Student Commands

Add Student

add-student n/NAME [t/TAG]…

add-student n/Jon Snow t/Hardworking

Delete Student

delete-student ID

delete-student 16100

Find Student

find-student KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]…​

find-student Lannister Targaryen Stark

List Student



Edit Student

edit-student ID [n/NAME] [t/TAG]…

edit-student 16100 n/Aegon Targaryen t/knownothing

Staff Commands

Add Staff

add-staff n/NAME [t/TAG]…

add-staff n/Jon Snow t/Hardworking

Delete Staff

delete-staff ID

delete-staff 16100

Find Staff


find-staff Lannister Targaryen Stark

List Staff



Edit Staff

edit-staff ID [n/NAME] [t/TAG]…

edit-staff 16100 n/Aegon Targaryen t/Son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen

Course Commands

Add Course

add-course n/NAME a/AMOUNT [t/TAG]…

add-course n/Cozmo Programming a/2000 t/Fun t/Robot

Delete Course

delete-course ID

delete-course 16100

Find Course


find-course Java Python C

List Course



Edit Course

edit-course ID [n/NAME] [a/AMOUNT] [t/TAG]…

edit-course 16100 n/Java Programming a/2000

Finance Commands

Add Finance Type 1 (ft/m)

add-finance ft/FINANCETYPE d/DATE n/NAME a/AMOUNT [t/TAG]…​

add-finance ft/m d/2020-12-09 n/Paid NTU a/1200 t/Partnership t/Monthly

Add Finance Type 2 (ft/cs)

add-finance ft/FINANCETYPE d/DATE cid/COURSEID sid/STUDENTID [t/TAG]…​

add-finance ft/cs d/2020-12-09 cid/829 sid/33 t/Late

Add Finance Type 3 (ft/ct)

add-finance ft/FINANCETYPE d/DATE cid/COURSEID tid/TEACHERID [t/TAG]…​

add-finance ft/ct d/2020-12-09 cid/829 tid/21 t/Early

Delete Finance

delete-finance ID

delete-finance 16100

Find Finance

find-finance KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]…​

find-finance Lannister Targaryen Stark

List Finance



Calculate Earnings



Calculate Expenses

